Healing the Spiritual Wound of Sexual Trauma with Spirituality and Health Magazine
I am lying on my floor with my knees bent, hands on my belly. I am trying to breathe into my belly. This is my homework. A yoga teacher/bodyworker/massage therapist/witch I’ve been seeing told me that all my feelings were stuck in my pelvis and that if I wanted to feel anything again, I should do this every day.
My mind spins—I think about work, what I’m doing later, the pile of dishes in the sink. I’m supposed to be focusing on my breath. Nothing is happening. I try to focus. I try to let my breath move down lower, into my guts, my genitals, my pelvic floor. I can tell there is tension there but it is not letting go. I can barely feel that part of my body. It’s frustrating. It’s all I can do not to jump up and do the dishes before the timer goes off.
Finally, I hear that sweet welcome “ding!” letting me know that my ten minutes is finally up. So I roll over and head to the kitchen to wash those damn dishes. And that’s when the tears start. […Read more]