Guided Meditations
Guided Meditation: Inanna's Descent into the Underworld
Meditating on the archetypal story of Inanna and her sister Ereshkigal can bring you great peace in hard times. Listen along to this guided meditation for deeper wisdom.
Inanna is the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of heaven and Earth who presides over fertility, desire, and also war. In her most famous story, she descends into the Underworld, which is the land of her sister Ereshkigal. Inanna meets Death in the Underworld, but also comes back to life, having changed forever.
Listen to Inanna's story and contemplate your own journey into the Underworld. Think about what you may have learned from your darker experiences and how you have returned (or could return) to the light. Allow these beautiful goddesses to teach you something about yourself in this moment.
Guided Meditation: Wisdom from Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga is an ancient Slavic Witch of the Woods. She is an old crone holding the wisdom of the forest—which can be gentle or fierce. She usually shows up in stories about children on a quest: If they are good, if they know how to listen and pay attention, she will reward them with what they need to complete their journey. If not, though, she might shove them in her oven!
If you are on a quest of your own, dare to meet the Baba Yaga in the forest and listen to her wisdom. You might just get what you need.
A Guided Meditation for Dream Recall
Start your day with this gentle meditation to help you recall your dreams and wake up nice and slow. Learn a simple dream interpretation technique and set your intention for the day ahead. If you want to remember your dreams more often and listen to their wisdom, practice this meditation daily until it becomes a habit.
Guided Meditation with the Mother Goddess Nut
Nut is the mother of all the gods and goddesses in ancient Egyptian mythology. She is the night sky, and is the expansive, ever-loving mother from whom we are all born and return back to. Sit with this beautiful goddess, who can hold you with unconditional love and compassion, especially if you yearn for the presence of an ideal mother.
Guided Meditation: The Story of Persephone and Demeter
Take some time to contemplate the nature of life with this meditation on two ancient goddesses.
Explore the cycles of life, death, and rebirth with Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, whose story may be much older than the one you're familiar with. Persephone and her mother Demeter preside over the ancient Goddess cycle that goes back even to a time before there were male gods. Sit with their energies and listen to their stories—the older one, as well as the one you may already know.
Guided Sleep Meditation: Visiting Grandmother's Cottage
Lull yourself to sleep with a soothing meditation, visualizing yourself visiting a kind grandmother in her woodland cottage.
In this meditation, we will gently relax the body, preparing for sleep, and then imagine visiting Grandmother at her cottage in the woods. We pass by berry bushes on a beautiful cobblestone path, and then eat and drink tea while we tell Grandmother what's on our heart and listen to her advice. Fall asleep in the cozy safety of being with the Grandmother archetype, which is the ideal loving wise woman who cares about you unconditionally and has just the medicine you need.
A Happy Birthday Guided Meditation and Ritual
Celebrate yourself with a joyous meditation and ritual to honor your birthday.
This guided meditation will give you the chance to gently reflect on the past year and consider your hopes for the next one. Then, you will visualize yourself in the perfect place for your birthday party and invite your cosmic family: the seen and unseen beings that love and hold you on this special day. Happy birthday to you!
Guided Meditation: The Grounding Power of Earth
Feeling anxious or scattered? Ground yourself with the power of the earth in this guided meditation.
Take some time to connect with the calming, steadying energy of the earth element. Calm your body, slow down, and listen to the wisdom of the wise old earth beneath you. This is an excellent meditation if you're feeling anxious, nervous, scattered, scared, or otherwise unbalanced. Enjoy the energy of earth.
Guided Meditation: The Calming Power of Water
Allow the soothing properties of water to calm you in this short but powerful guided meditation.
Take some time to connect with the cooling, healing, free-flowing energies of the water element. This meditation may help you calm anger or irritation and gently open to the flow of emotions in your body. Allow the calming energy of water to melt any stuck places and balance your energies with this element meditation.
Guided Meditation for Womb Healing
Send healing energy to your womb space with this gentle guided meditation.
If you have a womb (or had one, or wish you had one), this little part of our bodies can go through some pretty big changes. We can experience pain, bleeding, and major life transformation due to the impact of this little organ. Our bodies hold secrets and are often willing to talk to us if we take the time to listen to them. Slow down and pay attention to the energy of your womb (even if a physical uterus is not there) and see if you can hear what it's trying to tell you.
Guided Meditation for Sleep: Garden of the Goddess
Drift off to sleep peacefully with a 17-minute guided meditation into the garden of the Goddess.
In this guided sleep meditation, you will envision walking through a forest into a special garden belonging to the Goddess herself. This could be a specific goddess that you follow, or it could simply be an archetype of the divine feminine that you need today. Watch her take the form that's most supportive for you today while you sit next to her, telling her what's on your heart. Rest in this beautiful place while you lull yourself to sleep.
The Cleansing Power of Fire
Connect to the energy of the element of fire, which is cleansing, transformative, and boundary-affirming. If you're feeling sluggish, slow, unmotivated, angry, or bogged down, this meditation will help you clear what's not yours and light the spark in your belly to help you move forward with what's important to you.
Guided Meditation: Finding Good Love
Is finding the right romantic relationship a struggle for you? Consider sitting down for a meditation on good love and begin the process of self-discovery.
If you've had trouble finding the right romantic relationship, you're not alone. There's nothing wrong with wanting good love. In this meditation, we will explore our opinions on the process of finding love, meeting parts of ourselves that may not be so sure about intimacy and parts that definitely want intimacy. We will allow these parts to talk to each other to see if there is anything we need to put in place to help ourselves feel safe enough to be vulnerable and seek good love.
Guided Meditation: Inviting Spring Fire at Imbolc
Welcome the gentle spark of early spring with this meditation honoring Imbolc, the ancient pagan cross-quarter festival celebrated around February 1st. The word "imbolc" means "in the belly" and indicates the energy that grows with the light as we slowly shake off winter and enter into the Spring season with all its hope and possibility.
Guided Meditation: Energy Clearing for Bedtime
Prepare for sleep by clearing your energy field, connecting with loving energy, and sending that loving energy wherever it might be needed before you nod off at night. Calm your body with the image of a gentle golden or white light and allow this sweet connection to help you let go of whatever you picked up during the day and prepare for rest.
Guided Meditation: How to Be Present With Big Emotions
Learn how to be fully in the moment with big emotions through with this gentle meditation.
This is a simple mindfulness practice for sitting with your emotions. We will observe the sensations of the emotions in our bodies while softening the stories of what they mean. This can often be enough to help soothe a feeling. We may also need to pay attention to the feelings in some way, and this practice gives us a chance to do that.
Keep in mind that this practice may bring tears or other reactions to the surface, so ensure you have time to take care of yourself after the meditation. If you're working with traumatic or overwhelming feelings or memories, this meditation may not be appropriate for you and you may prefer to do this kind of work with a trained counselor.
Guided Meditation: Inviting Intuition at Samhain
Deepen your intuition and celebrate Samhain, an ancient pagan harvest festival happening on November 1st.
Samhain is an ancient pagan harvest festival as well as the start of a new year for witches who follow the Wheel of the Year. It's a time when the veils between the worlds thin, and an excellent time to invite our intuition in as we move into the dark half of the year. This simple meditation honors the seasonal moment and practices focus on the third eye, a source of intuitive wisdom in the physical body.
Guided Meditation: Balance on Mabon, the Autumn Equinox
Cultivate autumnal ease and joy with this short seasonal meditation. What are you grateful for on Mabon?
Celebrate Mabon, a mid-harvest festival honoring the autumn equinox, with this gentle meditation inviting gratitude and balance. Enjoy a brief exploration of alternate nostril breathing, a simple, calming practice.
Lughnasadh Meditation for Gratitude on the First Harvest
Gather gratitude with this guided meditation to celebrate Lughnasadh, an ancient Celtic harvest holiday.
This meditation invites us into the energy of pause and gratitude with Lughnasadh (pronounced “LOO-nuh-suh”), the ancient pagan celebration of the cross-quarter moment between the summer solstice and the autumn equinox (around August 1st). Connect with the energy of the late summer season and invite in gratitude as we move gently towards the next phase of the turning of the Wheel of the Year.
Litha Meditation for Sun and Earth Magic
Get cozy in nature and connect with the power of summer with this meditation for Litha, a pagan summer solstice celebration.
Stretch out on the ground, at the beach, or wherever you feel most comfortable and connect with the magic of Litha, the summer solstice, when the powers of the sun are at their peak, bringing forth the powers of the earth. Rest in this magical moment, knowing that you are enough as a part of this beautiful earth, receiving the powerful energy of the sunlight.