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Read about my journey in pregnancy, postpartum, and parenthood.
Learn about process-focused Tarot and the spiritual meaning of certain cards that you may not have seen before.
Lessons from mythological divine feminine figures.
Taking care of your body, mind, and spirit through holistic practices.
These articles do a deep dive into movies and TV from a feminist and sometimes spiritual perspective. Grab some popcorn and think a little more about your latest Netflix binge.
Grief Cycling Over the Holidays
The holiday season is wonderful in so many ways. We get to see family, take a break from work, eat lots of delicious food, and end the year in style. But precisely because the holidays are about family and tradition, this is also a common time for grief to cycle back up. We think of the people who aren’t present, the people we aren’t going to see. We think of the traditions we wish we could share. As another year comes to an end, as much as we are thinking of New Year’s resolutions, we might also be thinking back to what the last year meant to us and what we lost.
Winter Solstice Magic: A Spell for the New Solar Year
Part of the reason there are so many different religious holidays in December is because of the magic of the winter solstice. All over the world, people light candles and bonfires at this time of year, gathering, feasting, and staying up late. The winter solstice is a powerful time of darkness, and darkness is often the place where magic happens.
Pleasure’s Dirty Little Secret
Everyone wants pleasure—it feels good, gives us energy, helps us manage stress, and keeps us hopeful. Pleasure is the food of desire. But pleasure has a dirty little secret: sometimes it is unavoidably linked with pain. Opening to pleasure means opening to the truth of our bodies, and suddenly all the crap we’ve been repressing rises up to the surface.
The Spiritual Meaning of Vaginal Infections
In the event of non-consensual penetration of any kind, the vagina might be expressing its displeasure by being “out of balance.” Sometimes the issue is about a spiritual or energetic penetration: someone pressing toxic energy into you or making you do things you don’t want to do (whether sexually or not).
Food as a Consent Practice
Hunger is a form of physical desire. It is something that we feel in our bodies and, when we’re healthy, it’s unambiguous. We can feel it right there in our stomachs. Fullness is a physically felt aversion, an internally felt “no” or “stop” signal. Feeling and following our hunger and fullness signals is a powerful way to practice consent within our own bodies, to teach our nervous systems that our desires and our limits matter.
Magic, Ritual, and Healing Trauma
Trauma doesn’t respond to conventional ways of healing, so we need our unconventional grimoires. We cannot plan out and micromanage our healing, but we can cast a spell.
Practices for Adrenal Wellness
When working on supportive practices for the adrenals, we are also working on supportive practices for the nervous system and emotional balance. Chronic stress isn’t just about, for example, trying to get to work on time. It’s about consistently feeling unsafe and never having a chance to come down to a place where you feel totally relaxed and able to be yourself. There are so many reasons that stress can get stuck in the body, but working on loving those adrenal glands might be a really helpful place to start.
Meditate Like a Feminist: Do It for Pleasure
Most of the forms of meditation that we have with us today were created by and for men. But who said the body was not a place God could reside? Bodies take the world in, transform it into energy, and dispel waste. Bodies heal, a lot of the time, on their own. Some female bodies gestate and produce life. Patriarchal religions, it could be said, do an awful lot of stretching the imagination to see God in a man’s image.
F*ck Gratitude: Why You Should Stop Trying So Hard to Be Grateful
It’s not our fault that we are so bad about being with each other in our difficult emotions. Of course, we don’t want to see the people we care about suffering, and gratitude feels like a quick way of getting away from suffering. Also, most of us don’t have a great capacity to feel our uncomfortable emotions because our society does not want us to. If we all deeply and genuinely felt our sadness, anger, and disappointment about the world, we might want to change things. We might connect with each other more deeply. We might feel more richness and sweetness from simpler things. And then we’d need to buy less stuff. Our culture revolves around stuff. How are we supposed to live if everyone is out here feeling their feelings instead of buying stuff?
Making a Choice with the Body
Most of the time we assume we make decisions with our minds. We weigh the information. Maybe we talk to a friend. And then we come to a rational decision about what to do. That’s how it works, right?
Well, not really. Some of that happens, sure, but there are many decisions that we do not make with our minds, even when we think we’re doing so. Our bodies make our decisions for us more often than we’d think.
The Spiritual Meaning of Sciatica
There are many treatments available, however, including hip-opening stretches (as the piriformis muscle is sometimes to blame for the nerve compression) and strengthening to rebalance the structures in the hip and pelvis. We understand all this from a physical perspective. But what about the spiritual meaning of sciatica?
Grief Practices: What do I do with my grief?
This year, loss has been a major theme, not only in terms of the mortality of a long pandemic season but also in terms of our everyday routines and the many things we took for granted before. As the days get shorter and darker, we are moving into the fall and winter seasons, which are natural times to think about grief and loss.
The Spiritual Meaning of Money
Money is also a strange substance when you think about it: material yet really imaginary. It can grow when we have it and shrinks faster when we don’t. We certainly don’t think of money as being spiritual or having a soul, and that’s part of why so many of us have deep pain and unresolved issues related to it. So, what is the spiritual meaning of money?
Easing Postpartum Neck and Shoulder Pain
Babies require a lot of carrying around, looking down at, hunching over, and nursing or bottle feeding. All of these things can shape the postpartum upper back into a bit of a hunch, causing pain in the neck, in between the shoulder blades, and in the chest. Sometimes we even get tingling down the arms or into the hands. The neck and shoulders are so intimately connected that when something is off in one place, the other place usually goes off, too.
The Spiritual Meaning of Pelvic Floor Pain
Pelvic floor pain is most common for people who have been pregnant, but pelvic floor issues can affect anyone, the major symptom being pain. Physiotherapists can help identify the physical symptoms and recommend good exercises for your particular condition. But what’s the spiritual meaning of pelvic floor pain?
Food and Intimacy
Food and love are inextricably linked. The association is old: when we are babies, food almost always comes alongside touch, with the closeness of a caregiver. Most babies quickly learn that when they cry, they generally get milk. We learn early on that food soothes. When we get older, food can become a replacement for love.