3 Ways to Heal with the Cycles of Nature

By tuning into solar, lunar, and personal cycles, we can find opportunities for deep healing.

Many of our health issues, especially the chronic ones, are rooted in long-term stress. This stress can be caused by unresolved trauma or grief, but it can also be triggered by living in a society that emphasizes productivity over everything else, including the natural cycles of nature and the body. Within grind culture, it’s a badge of honor to be exhausted, to have worked all night or weekend, to never take time out to rest. We treat our bodies like robots, pushing them to labor until they break down.

But human beings are animals, not robots. It used to be very common that we would live and work seasonally, farming, planting, harvesting, and resting according to the seasons and the phases of the moon. Our seasonal holidays reflect an ancient past where we honored the power of nature and the weather, which had a major impact on our daily lives—and even on our survival. Keep reading…


Lessons from the Morrigan, Goddess of Sovereignty