Lessons from the Morrigan, Goddess of Sovereignty

The Morrigan is a fierce goddess who protects her people and the land. Explore how she can inspire us during challenging times.

The Morrigan is a fierce goddess from Celtic tradition, which was the folk religion of the people throughout much of Europe and Anatolia from before the rise of Christianity. These people traveled widely in their heyday, often as warriors, but largely settled in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany, and the Isle of Man.

Many of the stories we retain about the Celts were written by their enemies after the Celts had been all but eradicated. But what we can glean is that the Celts were people with a rich oral culture and a belief system that was deeply connected with the land. Keep reading…


3 Ways to Heal with the Cycles of Nature


The Spiritual Meaning of the Two of Pentacles Tarot Card